
Rudiments provides a small collection of tiny but useful utilities for everyday programming in Scala, and could be considered an enhanced “predef”.


Getting Started

Utilities in Rudiments are mostly provided through extension methods, and importing the rudiments package will bring all utility methods into scope.


An implementation of a Y-Combinator, called fix, is provided, implemented using a Scala 3 context function, which enables slightly more favorable syntax than was possible in Scala 2. This method makes it easier to write code in a point-free style.

The fix method takes a type parameter (which must be explicitly specified for type inference) and a lambda as its first parameter, to which an additional parameter should be supplied as its initial value. Crucially, in the body of fix’s lambda, a call to recur should be used to signal recursion.

This is best illustrated with an example. Here is an implementation of a factorial function.

def factorial(n: Int): Int =
  fix[Int] { i => if i <= 0 then 1 else i*recur(i - 1) } (n)

This avoids the explicit definition of a private or nested helper function, which would normally be necessary for a definition such as this.

Primitive String Extractors

Extractors for all the primitive types are provided for matching on Strings. These are defines as extensions to the (virtual) companion objects of the primitive types, so they have the same names as the types they extract.

Here is an example of them in use:

def parse(number: String): Boolean | Int | Double =
  number match
    case Boolean(b) => b
    case Int(i)     => i
    case Double(d)  => d
    case _          => 0

Typesafe String operations

The extension method String#cut has identical semantics to String#split, but returns an immutable IArray instead of an Array. Likewise, the methods String#bytes and String#chars mirror String#getBytes and String#toCharArray, returning an IArray[Byte] and IArray[Char] respectively.

The bytes method currently uses the UTF-8 in all cases, though this may change if there is sufficient demand.

Four variants of the extension method join are provided on Traversable[String] instances, which provide the same functionality as mkString (but only operating on Strings) with one additional two-parameter version that’s specialized for natural language lists where each element is separated by a comma except the last, which is preceded by a word such as and or or.

For example,

List("one", "two", "three").join(", ", " or maybe ")

will produce the string one, two or maybe three.

Lightweight system property access

Many JVM system properties are available in the map, System.getProperties and are typically given identifiers written in a dot-notation style, such as user.dir. Rudiments provides syntactic sugar for accessing these dynamically through the Sys object, for example,

val pwd: Option[String] = Sys.user.dir()


Often a side-effecting expression returns a value which is not used at a particular call site, and can be discarded. However, the expression’s return type can result in type-inference choosing an undesired return type, when Unit would be preferable, or a compile-time warning about discarded values may be produced.

The unit extension method silently discards the return value of any expression, and instead produces a Unit, ().


The only extension method applies a partial function to a value and lifts the result into an option.

For example,

val result: Option[Int] = string.only { case Int(i) => i*i }

str”” Interpolator

The s”” interpolator takes parameters of Any type as substitutions, calling String#toString on them as necessary. This may be considered too permissive, so str”” is provided as a typesafe alternative that requires every substitution to be a String.

twin and triple

These two extension methods produce a two-tuple and a three-tuple (respectively) of repetitions of the value it is applied to. This can be useful in a subsequent map operation.